TenX Accounting & Tax Firm Acquisitions
Thinking of selling your firm? It’s a big decision, but one that can be incredibly rewarding for you personally–and when you choose the right buyer, equally rewarding for your clients and staff. If you meet the following criteria (or come close) and want to explore a possible sale, let’s talk.
Our ideal acquisition:
- Between $800K and $2M revenue; and/or
- Between $400K and $1M profit;
- Located in the southeast U.S.;
- With a services focus on accounting-first monthly business clients who also may opt for tax and/or VCFO services (no audit or attestation work);
- Has a strong team in place for client-facing work
Our Acquisitions Approach
Your firm’s success and legacy are an incredible foundation. Our goal is to invest in that and grow it further.
We’re on the same side of the table with you, working through terms till we’re both satisfied.
We aren’t used car salesmen and aren’t into pressure tactics. We prefer to have real conversations, even when they’re tough.
Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial deal that makes us both supremely happy at the closing table…and beyond.
TenX Value
Our goal in acquiring your firm is growth and value creation. Accounting firms are, bottom line, made up of people: team members, clients, and partners, and the value lies in recruiting, motivating, and retaining the best people to do great work for great clients. It’s all a virtuous cycle.
Meet Gretchen Roberts, Accounting Firm Owner
- Owner, Red Bike Advisors, an Accounting, Tax, VCFO, Tax Resolution, and Fraud & Forensic accounting firm based in Wilmington, NC with clients and team members all over the U.S.
- 2+ decades of experience in business, marketing, and consulting, with leadership roles in two public companies and small businesses
- Board of Directors, Exec Committee, and Secretary for a Malcolm Baldrige award-winning publishing house
- Owner, boutique vacation rental company
- Business and real estate investor
- Managing Partner of TenX Venture Group – business acquisitions and consulting
- Married, mom of four amazing kids and one adorable mini goldendoodle
“I’m on a mission to create the kind of accounting firm I want myself as a business owner.”
Steps to Sale
Wondering how it all works? Here are the high-level steps from initial meeting to sale.

Integration Process
The bulk of integration happens within the first 90 days, at which point we turn our attention to growth.

Clients via strategic handovers from seller to buyer
Employees via 1:1 listening tour, new benefits package, strong culture

Revenue via recurring revenue packages, upsell/cross-sell
Client base via referrals and marketing strategy
Profit margin via operational efficiencies & acquisition synergies
Our Mission
To create value for and through businesses for clients, employees, vendors, partners, and the community.
Explore a sale
Let’s have an informal conversation to start. Fill out the form and let’s chat.